Friday 3 November 2017


The editing used in the racist man's house is most commonly slow motion, this effect shows us the situation in the perspective of what is happening in Jake's mind. It is effective as we see thing from Jake's POV which can cause empathy from the viewer as Jake has been plunged into this difficult situation with next to no experience.

In the next scene the edits used is shot reverse shot, between the DI and the Mother of an abducted child. As the conversation develops the DI can't make eye contact with the woman. This subtle action which is enhanced by this form off editing. The last frame of the DI when he is re watching the video sent by the abductor is held to show his reaction towards finding out the location of the girl and the possible recapture of her, safely. When the DI leaves to find the location, the camera zooms into the piece of paper subtly hidden behind the man to show us the next place we will be.

In the training session there are many transitions used called cross fades. The effect this has is that it shows that time has passed from each scene to the next. It also reflects the dedication to the training and job that the PC's have. After Jake tires himself out, a lawyer approaches him and puts his private business card in the elastic of his trousers, this is a very seductive thing to do which implies the offer of a date. We then jump a scene of the Vickers family together making food, it seeming idealistic and lovely. This in contrast with DC Jo Moffat living her single life.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 4 out of 5. You are nearly there but here are hints to improve exam technique. I know that you are aiming to up your grade.
    1. Slomo: yes, but emphasise that slomo distorts reality and reflects that Jake feels paralysed by inexperience and fear so that he fails to act and slows down completely in the turmoil and aggression.
    2. Again, you don't give context: explain WHY the DI is embarrassed to look the mother in the eye. The second stage of the shot-reverse shot consists of a sequence in which the editing reveals how the detective is piecing together the clues about the abductor's whereabouts until he homes in on an address label.
    3. You offer two more examples of editing, as well.
