Wednesday 1 November 2017


PREP Analyse how camerawork is used in the extract to create meaning. Refer to at least two examples from the extract in your answer

Focus pull from Ryan onto Jake when he said 'we dont care what parents do' Jake's Dad is the superintendent. Subtly indicating that Ryan doesn't care that Jakes father does and that he is the superintendent. Reaction shot straight after from the rest of the PC's afterwards. This shows us as to what the characters are feeling after each small set of dialogue. These shots help with the argument and the effect of the statements within

There is a Slow zoom that changes into a close up shot into Jo's face in order to convey her emotions like, pain, embarrassment and realisation of the rejection that she has just received. This allows us to see her love towards the superintendent and the shock that he doesn't feel the same way. These camera shots assist with the telling of the story and the way the episode will go.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 3 out of 5 (on the generous side). To improve your exam technique:
    1. Identify 'what the characters are feeling after each exchange of dialogue'. What is the significance of the dig about parents' jobs not mattering?
    2. Excellent analysis of Jo's emotions but give the CONTEXT so we know that Jo and the Super have had an intimate relationship but that he is now pulling away which leaves her in an awkward situation as he is pulling rank, leaving her standing and gazing at the family photo he has in a POV shot.
