Thursday 5 October 2017

Exam Sound Question

The background sounds, like the hum of cars and the occasional beep of a horn, add a realistic vibe to the scene. Whilst Jake and Ryan argue, the sound of cars in the background say that regular life is carrying on for people, but for Jake and Ryan, it has grounded to a halt. The sound of the cars is diegetic as it is a noise that would be there regardless of editing.

The tone of the dialogue show that both Jake and Ryan aren't particularly happy with one another. The raised volume and gruffness of the voices show that  they are in an argument. The raised volume means that the watcher will remember it for a longer period of time. This is non-diegetic as it probably has been raised and a microphone added for better sound quality.

1 comment:

  1. 5/ 6
    You are right to draw attention to realism, an important part of the show's appeal. Equally, you analyse tone and volume succintly.
    To increase your grade in the exam, note : " at least two examples'.
