Friday 13 October 2017


In the Avengers we are entered into the small town of Little Bazeley, in which John Steed and Emma Peel find themselves alone with impostors pretending to be people who lived there.

John Steed and Emma Peel are very high class social citizens. Their posh accents make them stand out from the crowd and their well dressed appearance allows te watcher to acknowledge their status. In the 1960s was a time of intense change for women in the world with the flower power movement and basic equality for both men and women were accomplished. The show was released 20 years after the second world war, which is not a particularly long time. In this particular episode they make reference to this by intertwining it within the story line, Piggy Warren, the pub owner was supposedly killed in action but he was still running the pub which made John question as to if they were impostors.

The roles that were played were very different for the period of time too. Having a woman play a lead role was almost unheard of in the 1960's. The producers of the show were very skeptical as to whether the audiences at home would accept a woman playing a lead role. This was very well received, which lead to a new milestone in the equality between men and women.

The things that the characters were wearing were also slightly gender based as well. For example John was wearing a very fancy suit and steel bowler hat. This attire is very reflective of his earnings as well as his social status. Emma Peel was also wearing clothes in those days that were 'in fashion' but in this day and age might be considered, bad. 

Monday 9 October 2017

Exam Question 2

The show is started off with a quick response officer responds to a falling out at a naturist beach. The superintendent Chief Vickers voices over the scene saying that the officers have the up most respect from the public. This contrasts with what we see on the screen as it shows that Ryan is not shown much respect by the two differing groups of people. This is almost a comedic scene as it makes the watcher feel sympathy for Ryan. As this is the first scene we know that the show is about the police.

Jake Vickers is quite a stern person when trying to get the vulnerable person to open up the door, the way he went about it was totally wrong as it means that he is more frightened. Ryan takes a cool calm approach to the situation, building up the relationship and referring to him as his first name. Ryan reassures him to make him feel more comfortable with him being there. In the scene the drug addict the experienced police officer, Ryan, shows Jake how to be more sympathetic towards people in vulnerable situations. He asks him if it is okay to touch him and the music marries well with the reassuring dialogue with Jake and the dawning realisation of the mans situation. It shows that the policemen in this situation act as his guardian angel.

In the Corner shop scene, the kind of criminals mentioned so far we feel sympathetic towards them, in this scene it is a much serious crime. The attacker calls him racist derogatory terms. The police officer in this scene is represented as a sensitive person in order to get the information out of the shop keepers son. She creates a relationship between herself and the boy in order to try to build trust to make him speak. This action creates an emotional bond between the officer and the watcher and, gives us an insight into her personality.

Thursday 5 October 2017

Exam Sound Question

The background sounds, like the hum of cars and the occasional beep of a horn, add a realistic vibe to the scene. Whilst Jake and Ryan argue, the sound of cars in the background say that regular life is carrying on for people, but for Jake and Ryan, it has grounded to a halt. The sound of the cars is diegetic as it is a noise that would be there regardless of editing.

The tone of the dialogue show that both Jake and Ryan aren't particularly happy with one another. The raised volume and gruffness of the voices show that  they are in an argument. The raised volume means that the watcher will remember it for a longer period of time. This is non-diegetic as it probably has been raised and a microphone added for better sound quality.

Wednesday 4 October 2017


For the first bit of filming we did this year we decided to film a small snippet of the Forrest Gump trailer. Joe was Forrest and I was Jenny. Charlie, Ben and Callum were behind the camera.

The soundtrack i chose was an emotional one to convey the emotions of both Forrest and Jenny. At the beginning the volume was low, not to low but for it to replace the background noise to give the video a vibe.

We started off the video with a one shot of Forrest on a bench to highlight that he was the main character. We then further developed the shot by making it a two shot, starting it off with Forrest's dialogue and Jenny sliding into the shot.

To add the effect of Forrest running, we got 3 panning shots of Joe running and I edited it together to make it look like it was all in one, adding the odd interesting transition to liven it up. To add comedic effect we had Ben peek his head peek around the corner of the tree and i made the camera zoom into his face.

Watch it here: Forrest Gump Trailer