- In your answer you should: analyse aspects of the extract giving detailed examples
- judge how far these aspects create a sense of watching 'real life'
In the extract, 'Cuffs' there are many different ways that they make the scene look 'realistic'. One of these are certain cultural references. In the opening scene of the extract, there are two policewomen. One of them is wearing a hijab. A hijab is a Islamic piece of clothing and with this they are not only bringing realism, but also adds diversity to the cast and the series as a whole. There is also use of natural lighting. This also adds realism, as the lighting is not unnatural, that being there is no external or obvious lights used in order to make the scene look as though you are there with the actors.
The scene location is also very important. In this extract it is a shopping center and a motorway in Brighton. Some people who watch the programme may know the location in real life, and/or visited it. The scenes in the extract also portray real life events and struggles that many people face on a day to day life. They don't attempt to censor anything unless it is direct violence or a 'bloodly' scene.